
Popularity of personal
devices soars in Singapore workplaces
Anuradha Shukla | Feb. 4, 2013 (
Seventy-two percent of employees in Singapore now use personal
computing devices in the workplace, according to findings of a
global survey by global business technology solutions and managed
services provider Avanade.
Survey of about 600 C-level executives and IT decision-makers in 19
countries indicate that more enterprises in Singapore are now using
consumer technologies and this has changed the way business is done.
Eighty-four percent of Singapore companies surveyed said majority of
their employees use smartphones for reading email, online documents
and other basic work tasks.
Sixty-four percent of the respondents in the city said that the
majority of employees are using tablets for basic work functions.
About 68 percent use tablets for advanced businesses function such
as data analysis, CRM, project management and content creation.
"The nature of work and how business gets done is going through a
transformation. Consumer technologies in the workplace are a
significant catalyst for this transformation, especially in
Singapore where we're already seeing employees using smart phones
and tablets for both basic and advanced business functions," said
Kevin Wo, vice president, Avanade Singapore.

Redesigning how work gets done
Companies that want to be ahead of the competitors are redesigning
how work gets done and 92 percent of the companies in Singapore said
they have changed at least one business process, according to the
survey conducted between 20 August and 13 September 2012.
Changes in business processes in IT management, sales and marketing,
HR and customer services have enabled these companies to keep pace
with emerging work trends such as using mobile and consumer
technologies at the workplace.
Thirty-six percent of companies in Singapore have changed at least
four business processes to leverage available consumer technologies
at work.
"Executives are capitalizing on the opportunity these technologies
offer by adjusting business processes and updating policies with
measurable results in areas such as customer service, profitable
growth, happier employees and bringing new products and services to
market faster," added Wo.