Questions Never to Ask in Job Interviews
by: Liz Ryan (reproduce below with permission).
You know enough to bring a list of questions to a job interview. When
the interviewer asks you, "So, do you have
any questions for me?" the last thing? You
want to say is "No." But that could be the
best option if you're at a loss for words,
because some interview questions are better
left unasked.
Here are 10 highly unsuitable
questions that should never make an
appearance, unless you don't want the job:
1. "What does your company do?"
This was a reasonable interview question in
1950 or in 1980, before the Internet
existed. Today, it's your job to research
any company you're interviewing with before
setting foot in the door. We need to show up
for a job interview knowing what the
employer does, who its competitors are, and
which of its accomplishments (or challenges)
have made the news lately.
2. "Are you going to do a background
It is amazing how many job candidates ask
this question, which provokes alarm on the
part of the interviewer, instead of the more
general, "Can you please tell me a little
about your selection process, from this
point on?" Lots of people have credit issues
that cause them worry during a job search,
or aren't sure how solid their references
from a previous job might be. If you're
invited for a second
you can broach any sensitive topics from
your past then. Asking "Will you do a
background check?" makes you look like a
person with something to hide.
3. "When will I be eligible for a raise?"
Companies fear underpaying people almost as
much as they fear overpaying them, because a
person who's underpaid vis-a-vis his
counterparts in the job market is a person
with one eye on the career sites. Instead of
asking about your first raise before you've
got the job, you can ask (at a second
interview) "Does your organization do a
conventional one-year performance and salary
4. "Do you have any other jobs
A job search requires quick thinking about
straight talk, and if a job is far below
your abilities, you're better off saying so
than beating around the bush with this
question. You don't have to take yourself
out of the running; you can say, "The job
sounds interesting, but frankly I was
earning 30% more and supervising people in
my last job. Could you help me understand
the career path for this role?" That's the
cue for the interviewer, if he or she is on
the ball, to highlight another job opening
that might exist.
5. "How soon can I transfer to another
You're broadcasting "I'm outta here at the
first chance" when you ask this question. If
you like the job, take the job. If it's not
for you, wait for the right opportunity.
Almost every employer will keep you in your
seat for at least one year before approving
an internal transfer, so a job-search
bait-and-switch probably won't work out the
way you'd hoped.
6. "Can you tell me about bus lines to
your facility?"
Get online and research this yourself. It's
not your employer's problem to figure out
how you get to work.
7. "Do you have smoking breaks?"
If you're working in retail or in a call
center, you could ask about breaks. Everyone
else, keep mum; if your need to smoke
intrudes so much on your work life that you
feel the need to ask about it, ask your best
friend or significant other for
smoking-cessation help as a new-job present.
Lots of companies don't permit smoking
anywhere on the premises, and some don't
like to hire smokers at all. Why give an
employer a reason to turn you down?
8. "Is [my medical condition] covered
under your insurance?"
This is a bad question on two counts. You
don't want to tell a perfect stranger about
your medical issues, especially one who's
deciding whether or not to hire you. Ask to
see a copy of the company's benefits booklet
when an offer has been extended. This is
also a bad question from a judgment
standpoint; no department managers and only
a tiny percentage of HR people could be
expected to know on a condition-by-condition
basis what's covered under the health plan.
Anyway, your pre-existing condition won't be
covered under most corporate plans for at
least a year.
9. "Do you do a drug test?"
If you have a philosophical objection to
drug tests, wait until they ask you to take
a drug test and tell them about your
objection. Otherwise, your question sounds
like, "I'd fail a drug test," so don't ask.
10. "If you hire me, can I wait until
[more than three weeks from now] to start
the job?"
Employers expect you to give two weeks'
notice. If you're not working, they'd love
to see you more quickly. If you ask for tons
of time off before you start working --
unless you have a very good reason -- the
employer may think, "How serious is this
candidate about working?" In any case, a
start-date extension is something to request
after you've got the offer in hand, not

Liz Ryan is a 25-year HR veteran, former
Fortune 500 VP and an internationally
recognized expert on careers and the new
millennium workplace. Contact Liz at
or join the Ask Liz Ryan online
community at www.asklizryan.com/group.
The opinions expressed above are solely the
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